Marketing Solutions

Marketing Solutions

  1. Seven Ways to Use QR Codes for Your Business

    Are you familiar with QR codes? You’ve probably already seen them around—those quirky squares with the intricate black and white design inside. The design is actually a matrix code that stores a large amount of information in a small, square space.
  2. Three Shipping Tricks Every Business Should Know

    When you’ve made the sale and are packing up the products to send to your customers, don’t let shipping be an afterthought. Customized, professional-looking shipping packages can make your customers feel good about their purchases and your business, and help strengthen your company’s brand.
  3. Selling Online? Make Your Unique Business Pop

    Your online business may be small, but you probably have big hopes. You work hard to present your products and build a business that represents you, your style, and your talent. But when you can’t meet customers face-to-face on the web, how can you make sure your business expresses your unique personality?
  4. How to Create Your Own Barcodes and QR Codes

    Here is how to create your own QR code and barcode labels using Avery Labels and Cards, along with our  free Design & Print Online tool.
  5. Create the Right Impression with Your Business Logo

    Your logo is often one of the first things customers see on business cards, product packaging, marketing materials and your website. Are you thinking about developing a logo for your company, or considering updating your current logo because it just doesn’t seem to be working? Doing either can be a smart move.
  6. The Inside Scoop on Merchandising Your Products

    You’ve done the research and invested some serious bucks, and now your personal dream has come to life—you’ve launched your retail business. And in order to thrive, it’s customers that you need.
  7. Smart and Savvy Ways to Market Your Business Unique

    Your business has a lot to offer—so let the world know all about it. Avery offers a line of marketing solutions designed to help your small business make a big impact, without breaking the bank.
  8. Marketing Ideas for Your Products, Packaging and Promotions

    Your business has a lot to offer—so let the world know all about it. Avery offers a line of customizable products and free tools to help your small business make a big impact without breaking the bank.
  9. Create Photo Return Address Labels

    Personalize your mailings with photo address labels. With Avery Design & Print, it’s easy to drop in a photo, logo or other image to your label design, then add your address and print. We’ll show you how.

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